42 Points… Gone In 21 Days!

Did you know that you could face a mandatory 6 month driving disqualification if you accumulated 12 penalty points on your driving licence?

Imagine how our client felt when he was facing prosecution for several motoring offences which could have resulted in his licence being endorsed with 42 penalty points.

With our representation and legal expertise, we were able to help our client avoid an 18 month driving disqualification by putting forward an Exceptional Hardship argument based on the difficulties that his employer, colleagues and patients would face if he was to receive a lengthy driving disqualification.

Not only did the Court depart from the Sentencing Guidelines by imposing a driving disqualification of a mere 21 days, but this also had the effect of wiping clean all the points on our clients driving licence! Another great result from our Motoring Team!

Image Credit: https://festoonhouse.com.au/

Another Speeding Not Guilty

Most clients receive penalty points on their licence and don’t particularly think anything of it. One of our clients recently received 6 points for allegedly driving at a speed of 92mph in a 50mph zone. At first instance, the client represented himself at Magistrates’ Court but having fallen foul of the justice system he was convicted despite his best attempts. He then instructed Caines Law to launch an Appeal in the Crown Court with a view to quashing the conviction on the grounds that he did not at any point travel at an excessive speed.

When the matter came before Croydon Crown Court, it was clear with our preparation and extensive research on the case, that the evidence against our client was extremely weak with clear discrepancies in the Police Officer’s statements. This was put forward by our barrister who made representations to discontinue the matte on the basis that the Police Officer had identified the wrong vehicle.

Not only was the matter thrown out of Court before the Appeal Hearing went ahead, but our client was also able to recover all of his legal fees and expenses! Another great result for Marc from our Motoring Team!

Drunk Driving – Not Guilty

Caines Law have this week successfully defended two clients who were both charged with Drink Driving. Both clients instructed the Firm after having been charged with the offence and having spoken to other Firms who had advised the same clients that defending the charge would not be possible. Both cases were dismissed after trial on the basis that the Court found that the Intoximeters used to record both clients’ test results could not be relied on. Both clients were ecstatic with the results. Both clients successfully applied for a Defence Costs Order which was allowed to permit them to recovery costs incurred in their defence.

Nationwide Representation

Caines Law are a nationwide law firm that provide representation for clients throughout England and Wales. Irrespective of geography, we are able to provide the exceptionally high standard of service to all clients regardless of where clients are located. We have consultation offices throughout the country for those clients who prefer the face-to-face ‘I want to see my lawyer in the whites of their eyes’ approach. For the majority of cases, we operate in the modern way and communicate and prepare cases on behalf of our clients by telephone and email. This complete approach ensures that all clients, regardless of where they are, can benefit from the best representation available from lawyers who truly are at the pinnacle of their profession in servicing clients in their legal matters.